
Irrespective of your age, circumstances or financial situation, everyone should make a Will. Many people believe that if they die without leaving a Will, their estate will pass to their closest relatives, which will not necessarily be the case. 

People also often believe that once you have made a Will, you need not worry about it any more. You should review your Will regularly to ensure it meets your wishes and any change in your circumstances may result in a change in your Will. 

Here at Butterfield Legal we can assist you in making a Will to ensure that your estate will pass exactly as per your wishes. We will provide the necessary advice, ensuring that your Will meets your circumstances and your wishes. Whether it be ensuring that your antique clock passes to a cousin in Wales, or you have guardians in place for young children, let us take care of the process.

We know that it is often difficult to think about death, but we will ensure that you are at ease throughout the whole process, explaining everything in a simple and understandable way.

For more information about making a Will, please call us or email us for an informal chat and to make an appointment.